The Genomics Core provides affordable and reliable genomics services using state-of-the-art instrumentation and data analysis methodologies to Partnership researchers. These services are available to UMass Boston and DF/HCC faculty and industry partners through the Center for Personalized Cancer Therapy (CPCT).

Services for investigators

  • Assistance with study design and research protocol development
  • High Output or Rapid Run Sequencing (single or paired-end) using the Illumina HighSeq 2500
  • Resequencing or small genome sequencing using the Illumina MiSeq
  • Agilent Bioanalyzer RNA or DNA quantitation and quality assessment
  • Covaris DNA shearing
  • Blue Pippin DNA sizing
  • Preparation of total RNA w/ Ribo Zero libraries for sequencing with quality control checks
  • Preparation of DNA, cDNA , ChIP, or bisulfite DNA libraries for sequencing with quality control checks
  • qRT-PCR
  • Qubit or Nanodrop DNA/RNA concentration measurement
  • Nanostring nCounter analysis: This instrument permits the validation of targets identified through RNA or DNA sequencing studies using proprietary multiplexes sequence-counting technology from small quantities of biological samples
  • Sequence alignments to consensus sequences using the Massachusetts Green High-Performance Computing Center
  • Sequence analysis using tailored analytic algorithms and project-specific analysis approaches

Funds are available to help defray the cost of pursuing high-throughput sequencing projects through the core for both incubators and funded Partnership projects.

For more information, visit the Genomics Core website or contact Susan Patalano at