The Outreach Core (OC) builds capacity in Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) for using evidence-based programs and strategies for health promotion. Our work is conducted in partnership with a Community Advisory Board, which includes representatives from Health Resources in Action, the City of Lawrence Mayor’s Health Task Force, The Brazilian Worker Center, and Greater Love Tabernacle.

The OC works in the Greater Boston and Greater Lawrence areas to:

  • Support connections among researchers and community members, CBOs, FBOs, and UMass Boston students
  • Provide training and technical support to help CBOs and FBOs to deliver evidence-based prevention programs and activities

Services for students

  • Participate in an internship focused on outreach or community engagement
  • Represent your community and share your passion for science by attending or participating in a Community Science Café

Services for researchers

  • Find ways to share recent local research findings with community members, e.g., through community events or research briefs
  • Connect locally to learn about exciting ways in which community members are addressing local health needs and share your area of research or your path to science by taking part in a Community Science Café
  • Discuss implementation science and community engagement through an OC consultation

Services for the community

  • Visit our Community page to learn more about services offered by the OC and the Partnership

For more information, contact us at