The Research Design and Analysis Core (RDAC) provides statistical design and data analysis to facilitate sound clinical and basic science research. RDAC uses cutting-edge methods and contemporary best practices. For statistical support, RDAC provides statistical consulting and training workshops. RDAC also hosts a seminar series led by expert faculty intended to educate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty in social and behavioral research methods, as well as statistical methods.
Services for population and clinical science investigators
- Research protocol development, including assistance with grant preparation
- Survey question and assessment methodology
- Psychometric testing and assessment
- Questionnaire and interview guide design
- Mail- and web-based survey development and management
- Cognitive testing of new instruments
- Qualitative research, including focus groups, cognitive testing, and key informant interviews
- Quantitative and qualitative behavioral research analyses
- Assistance with manuscript preparation
- Customized database and process tracking systems for managing cross-sectional and longitudinal data
- Identification of potential subjects and sample frames
- Medical record review
- Data entry training and oversight of project staff
Services for basic science investigators
- Assessment of appropriate sample sizes and replicates required to permit statistical analysis
- Development of approaches for data analysis interpretation of results
- Assistance in the preparation of data analysis sections for inclusion in grant proposals and manuscript revisions
- Help with statistical issues arising at any stage of the research process
For more information, contact us at U54Partnership@umb.edu.