Organizational structure

The UMass Boston – DF/HCC Partnership is a collaborative effort between an NCI-designated Cancer Center and an institution serving a broad population and large student body. Each Partnership core and funded project is co-led by a UMass Boston faculty member and a DF/HCC member.

Leadership committees

Internal Advisory Committee (IAC)

The IAC serves as the key internal advisory and oversight group of the Partnership to ensure that the goals of the program are met and that research projects are on target. The committee comprises senior faculty and administrative leaders from both UMass Boston and DF/HCC.

Program Steering Committee (PSC)

The PSC provides expert and unbiased external review of the overarching goals of the Partnership, advising on the effectiveness and success of the organizational structure. Each PSC member belongs to an institution outside of the UMass Boston ‒ DF/HCC network and brings a unique expertise to our program. Collectively, the PSC has proficiency in the fields of basic science, population science, education, and outreach to communities.