Partnership research training opportunities
Please check back later for opportunities.
Non-Partnership research training and funding opportunities
- Create an Individual Development Plan and learn how to use it.
- Learn about each step of the NIH grant writing process.
- Hear from NCI staff about NIH funding and advancing your science.
- Attend an event with the NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education. They offer Q&A sessions, monthly groups about coping with challenges, and advice for researchers.
- Improve your writing with Tips and Tools on many topics, including semicolons, colons, and dashes, AI in academic writing, and creating a CV.
- Take free Human Research Protection Training courses.
- Understand the National Science Foundation grant proposal and award process.
- Statistical Genetics and Genomics Fellowship
- Statistical and Computational Methods Development Fellowship
- Genetic Epidemiology of Skin Cancer Fellowship
- Cancer Screening, Causal Inference, Risk Prediction, and Health Disparities Fellowship
- Big Data Science Training Enhancement Program
Visit the NCI website for more Postdoctoral Fellowships seeking candidates. The National Cancer Institute also has a CV/resume databank of interested candidates to be considered for doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships.
Training Opportunities
- T32 Cancer Neuroscience Program at the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center is a two-year program for PhD, MD, and MD/PhD graduates. (deadline – May 15, 2025)
- T32 Cancer Prevention and Control – Cancer Health Equity Training Program is a two-year fellowship that is individualized for fellows’ interests.
- Cornell – Hunter Health Equity Research Fellowship is a two to three-year fellowship for physicians, postdoctoral researchers, and nurses who aim to become extramurally funded independent health services researchers with a focus on health equity.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship: Aguirre Lab is a full-time position involving generating organoid models from biopsy specimens derived from patients undergoing therapy.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute offers many fellowship opportunities, visit the search engine for more information.
- NCI Transition Career Development Award funds the initial three years of an independent tenure-track faculty position, or its equivalent (deadline – June 12, 2025).
- The NCI Worta McCaskill-Stevens Career Development Award for Community Oncology and Prevention Research is a grant that supports newly trained clinicians who hope to pursue an independent research career (deadline – June 18, 2025).
- Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) supports five years of research for early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization (deadline – July 23, 2025).
- Cancer Research Scholar Grants (American Cancer Society) provide support for independent, self-directed researchers and typically contribute to the cost of salaries, consumable supplies, and other miscellaneous items required in the research (deadline – June 1, 2025).