The UMass Boston – DF/HCC Partnership is an active advocate for student training. We have several training programs for students to develop skills needed to excel in scientific research, specifically in the area of cancer and health promotion. Programs target students from undergraduates to postdocs and focus on critical areas to develop to become successful and innovative cancer researchers.

Partnership research training opportunities

Community-based research

The Outreach Core offers paid summer research and outreach opportunities for high school, undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students who are interested in cancer, public health, and community outreach. OC interns will be selected and matched with an internship site, depending on interest, and can be placed at DF/HCC community-based research labs, community-based organizations, or faith-based organizations in the Boston area or Lawrence, MA. Interns will be required to attend professional development workshops and the Annual Education Day, as well as present a poster of their research at the end of the summer.

Applications are currently closed for summer 2025. Contact for program details.

Lab-based research

The Research Education Core (REC) offers paid summer research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in cancer research. Trainees are matched, depending on interest, and placed at a UMass Boston or DF/HCC research lab. Trainees are required to participate in professional development activities and present their work at local and national conferences.

Applications are currently closed for summer 2025. Contact for more information.

Young Empowered Students for Continued Research Engagement (YES for CURE)
YES for CURE is a two-and-a-half-year training program for high school and undergraduate students interested in a career in science or research. Students engage in hands-on, mentored research with basic, clinical, or population science or nursing research investigators at DF/HCC.

Applications are currently closed. Visit the YES for CURE website for more program details.

Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) Summer Program
The CURE program introduces high school and college students to the world of cancer research by placing them in real research settings at local cancer research institutions. The goal is to encourage students to pursue careers in cancer research and to expand their interest in basic, clinical, and/or population science research.

Applications are currently closed. For more program details, visit the CURE Program’s website.

Non-Partnership research training opportunities

Research Funding / Training Opportunities

  • Initiative for Maximizing Student Development, UMass Boston, is a year-round, research-intensive, skill-building, mentoring program for undergraduates interested in the biomedical sciences
  • McNair Program, UMass Boston, offers undergraduate students in STEM the opportunity to participate in research and scholarly activities under the supervision of a faculty member and a graduate student mentor from the areas in which they hope to pursue graduate studies
  • Biology Professors Fund, UMass Boston, offers undergraduate biology students funding for expenses, such as traveling to present research at conferences
  • Undergraduate Research Funds, UMass Boston, provides funding for research or creative projects
  • National Science Foundation Funding Search has a list of funding applications, with the option to filter for undergraduate opportunities
  • The National Institutes of Health lists undergraduate funding and training opportunities

Publishing Your Research

If you have written a scientific paper for a class or during a research experience, you may be able to publish your paper in an undergraduate journal. Ask your supervisor if your paper would be appropriate to submit for publication.

Presenting Your Research